Honda S-Series Frame Tent

Honda S-Series Frame Tent

Example of a large semi-permanent event frame tent for Honda.

Two blue branded Honda tents with vehicles parked in front.

Car demos and car festivals are among one of our most favorite events to attend. When Honda needed a bigger footprint to showcase their latest line of vehicles the S-Series frame tent was selected since it can be set-up and left for longer periods of time without any worry. Even with a 40’x40’ footprint, we were able to fully custom the top canopy with Honda branded logos and even printed the inside of the tent to further brand messaging for those inside the tent.

Products included:

Honda S-Series Frame Tent

Example of a large semi-permanent event frame tent for Honda.

Car demos and car festivals are among one of our most favorite events to attend. When Honda needed a bigger footprint to showcase their latest line of vehicles the S-Series frame tent was selected since it can be set-up and left for longer periods of time without any worry. Even with a 40’x40’ footprint, we were able to fully custom the top canopy with Honda branded logos and even printed the inside of the tent to further brand messaging for those inside the tent.

Products included:

Two blue branded Honda tents with vehicles parked in front.

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