How TentCraft Powered Walk MS Events Across The Country

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society Walk MS team hosts more than 200 events at locations across the country every year. The organization needed to outfit local chapters in major metropolitan areas with event assets to host unforgettable Walk MS events.

Event marketing agency, Eventage, connected TentCraft with the organization.

The Request

The Society aimed to deliver custom event kits to 38 chapters, each tailored to the specific events planned by that chapter. The main challenge was determining what would make the ideal event kit.

The Plan

The MS Society piloted a single event kit from TentCraft, which included a 10x20 MONARCHTENT, a 10x10 MONARCHTENT, and a MONARCHSTALL. The quality and design of the kit impressed the organization so much that they placed orders for similar kits for all 38 locations.

With this volume of assets, this project could have become a logistical nightmare. However, TentCraft seamlessly managed all logistics and shipping, eliminating the need to send everything to a central location. Instead, the assets were packed and shipped directly to the respective event markets, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

The Results

The tents played a pivotal role in the success of each Walk MS event, serving multiple functions throughout the day. Participants used the 10x10 and 10x20 MONARCHTENTS as centralized stations for signing in and receiving important event information. These versatile structures also doubled as merchandise booths, allowing the MS Society to sell branded items and raise additional funds for the cause.

The MONARCHSTALL is a more portable version of a pop-up tent that allowed for flexibility at events.

As the events unfolded, TentCraft continued to add value by providing additional custom solutions. The MS Society invested in TentCraft’s custom event arches, which became a game-changer. Unlike their previous inflatable arches, TentCraft’s arches required no continuous air flow, making them more convenient and durable.

Looking ahead, the organization plans to expand the use of these event kits into additional markets, further enhancing the Walk MS experience across the country.

Who Gets What Where Now?

So much goes into hosting a successful event, organizing participants, volunteers, and logistics- your event assets should be the last thing you worry about.

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