Case Study: The Determined mightyTent

Case Study: The Determined mightyTent

Who'd we help?

Miracle Math Coaching, a comprehensive tutoring program based in Fairfield, California.

What'd they need?

As part of their summer math program, Miracle Math Coaching needed four 10X10 mightTENTs that would grab the attention of kids in kindergarten through eighth grade, and provide a fun and inviting space for learning. Each tent included half walls and leg poles, and our team produced a quick-turn request for a customized retractable banner.

That's sweet, but what made this project so unique?

One word: determination.

The client provided a logo and a vision, and that's about it.

Thankfully, we love when this happens. We love creative freedom, flexibility, and control over the visual reins. Throughout the entire process, our art team coached the client about attractive design elements, color schemes, and more. Overall, we designed seven possible sketch options in a short amount of time. And after each proposed sketch, the client provided constructive feedback about desired changes and additions, resulting in a fully customized, personally engaged relationship between the art team and the client.

Basically, this project allowed us to show off our relentless dedication to client satisfaction. We're not happy until our clients are happy. It's that simple.

So what happened next?

Math camp, that's what happened. Kids learned things, parents smiled at their kids learning things, and our stellar tents provided the perfect environment for such learning.

Miracle Math Coaching expressed their gratitude for our patience, our creative talents, and our determination to make their vision come to life. It was a win-win situation for everyone involved, including the kids.


"Oh my goodness, it looks great! I appreciate you all so much." ~ Miracle Math Coaching
