Custom Canopy Tent Sizes

One of the first decisions you make when shopping for a custom canopy tent is how big — or small — of a footprint you need for your event.

If you’re a farmers market vendor, for example, you typically use a 10x10 for ease of transportation, and because that’s a standard booth size at those markets. If you’re a craft brewer attending beer festivals, you likely want something larger, like a 10x20 or even a 13x30 to accommodate a few kegs and serve multiple people at once.

The size of canopy is an important decision, but investing in the correct size isn’t always easy. That’s why we recommend sending our team a note to talk through your options and help you determine the perfect size for your business. Sometimes you need a small canopy tent — sometimes you need something a little bigger.

The following pages help you not only visualize the different TentCraft canopy tent sizes, but also learn what types of custom structures are available in each size.