10x10 Cube-Shaped Pop-Up Canopy Tent

10x10 Cube-Shaped Pop-Up Canopy Tent

From Pop Up Tent to Pop-up Storefront

custom 10x10 pop-up event tent for Lays Potato Chip activation

Notice anything different about this custom printed pop-up tent? Of course you do!

You might even be wondering if it’s a pop-up style tent, and the happy answer is yes. Built on the familiar MONARCHTENT framework, this kit features the easy, quick-to-set-up process of our traditional accordion-style frames, with an integrated, four billboard framework that adds considerable printable space. Lays Potato Chips was looking for more than just a traditional pop-up tent but still wanted an easy-to-setup pop up structure. The brand opted for a 10x10 canopy tent layout with a unique cube design.

The activation, located in New York City, included a digital chip vending machine underneath it.

To ensure everything stayed in place, the brand relied on TentCraft's proprietary weighted footplates that allow MONARCHTENT to achieve its certified pop-up tent wind rating.

10x10 Cube-Shaped Pop-Up Canopy Tent

From Pop Up Tent to Pop-up Storefront

Notice anything different about this custom printed pop-up tent? Of course you do!

You might even be wondering if it’s a pop-up style tent, and the happy answer is yes. Built on the familiar MONARCHTENT framework, this kit features the easy, quick-to-set-up process of our traditional accordion-style frames, with an integrated, four billboard framework that adds considerable printable space. Lays Potato Chips was looking for more than just a traditional pop-up tent but still wanted an easy-to-setup pop up structure. The brand opted for a 10x10 canopy tent layout with a unique cube design.

The activation, located in New York City, included a digital chip vending machine underneath it.

To ensure everything stayed in place, the brand relied on TentCraft's proprietary weighted footplates that allow MONARCHTENT to achieve its certified pop-up tent wind rating.

custom 10x10 pop-up event tent for Lays Potato Chip activation

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