Lexus Discomfort Zone Tent At Spartan Races

Custom Printed 13x30 MONARCHHEXTEND With Full Wall

Luxury auto brand Lexus became a sponsor of the Spartan Race in 2022 when they launched the 2023 Lexus RX .

According to Lexus, "We’re all looking for ways to shake things up and keep life exciting. That desire to avoid complacency is the idea behind the marketing campaign “Never Lose Your Edge” for the all-new 2023 Lexus RX."

Competing in the Spartan Race, an extreme racing event, already takes participants out of their comfort zone. Lexus decided to push these dedicated athletes even farther, creating the Lexus Discomfort Zone. The Discomfort Zone asked racers to join them for cold plunges in ice baths, sample freeze dried bugs, and submit their battered bodies to post race compression therapy.

The automaker had two challenges: It needed a blacked-out canopy tent that was true to its sleek branding, something big enough to accommodate multiple ice baths for athletes and it had to be strong enough to travel to Spartan races across the county.

We outfitted them with a 13x30 MONARCHHEX, which delivered more than enough space for athletes to engage with the automaker — and for Spartans to take painfully delicious ice baths!

The 13x30 activation was completed with custom-printed back walls and freestanding media walls featuring crisp images of the Lexus RX and Spartan athletes.

To find your own Discomfort Zone sign up for a Spartan Race or just head to Facebook to see it in action.

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