Big Timmy's Trail Treat doesn't do anything by half measures.
When they needed a better trail mix, they made it themselves. When they needed a brand representative, they went full mascot, and when they needed a pop-up tent, they chose TentCraft.
Much like their own customers, Big Timmy's started with a sample, then came back for more.
First, we created a custom-printed tablecloth for the Big Timmy's Team.
Step two was building a heavy-duty 10x10 MONARCHTENT that took the Big Timmy's brand to the next level.
They paired it with a double-sided printed back wall and two double-sided half walls and for that extra Big Timmy's bang, they added a rigid lollipop sign that could be used in place of their MONARCHTENT peak flag.
The end result was a mouthwatering tent that's a treat to behold.