Five years ago, we sold a 10x15 custom-printed MASTERTENT to one of the most treasured businesses in northern Michigan — Moomers Ice Cream. With their award winning flavors, homemade treats, and sugarcoated cones, Moomers is a summertime gem for locals and tourists alike.

Out of curiosity, we decided to find out how Moomers' tent has been holding up over the years. Our MASTERTENTS are designed to outlast any other tent in the market, so we wanted to make sure we were following through on our promise. We contacted co-owner, Jon Plummer, and asked him some questions about his ever so popular cow-spotted tent. Here's what we found:

What prompted you to order a custom tent to begin with?

After a bit of research, TentCraft was the best choice for us regarding both quality/longevity of product and brand awareness with a custom printed canopy. TentCraft is a local Traverse City company, as well.

What TentCraft products do you own?

We own a 10'X 15' custom-printed MASTERTENT.

When did you purchase your tent?

About 8 years ago. I remember you delivered it to us in the back of your truck!

How often do you use your tent?

We use our tent 25+ time a year. From private catered events, to festivals, Friday Night Lives, Bayshore Marathon, or maybe just to set up at the store and enjoy an ice cream cone in the shade!!!

What's the toughest elements it has had to stand up to?

In and out of our freezer truck for all of the events that we use it at is really the extent of the abuse it's taken. Without the bulletproof case, I doubt it would have held up as well as it has thus far! It's still like new today!

Have you had any maintenance on it?

No. Prior to purchasing our tent, I was told "this would be the most expensive tent I would ever purchase, but it would also be the last tent I purchase." That statement has held true to date.

Are you happy with your tent?

Yes. Great local company with a superior product and top-notch service. And we have a darn good tent too.

All in all, the tent looks just as good today as it did five years ago. Are we surprised? No, not even a little. Our MASTERTENTS are heavy-duty, premium event products, and we fully expect them to exceed all our client's expectations and demands.

Next summer, if you find yourself in Michigan, stop by Moomers Ice Cream and enjoy a taste of one of their 160 flavors. FYI - Peanut Butter Oreo is my personal favorite.
