Creative Canopy Tent Designs That Feel Like Home

Creative Canopy Tent Designs That Feel Like Home

It's one of our most popular design requests: "Make my tent look like a house."

But no two houses are the same, and these canopy tent designs vary just as much, ranging from log cabins to quaint colonials.

Check out these designs that leave you wondering, "Is that a tent?

TentCraft Log Cabin MONARCHGABLE


This is the tent that launched a thousand requests.

Our tent, designed for the 2022 Experiential Marketing Summit, had to be a show-stopper, and judging by the number of times prospecive customers mention it, we nailed it.

Learn how we built this custom canopy tent.



ComEd wanted a classic house-style tent — one you could enter and feel even more at home, which meant it needed double-sided walls.

To achieve that look, we used a MONARCHTENT with double-sided, printed full-walls on three sides, and added a counter to the "kitchen". The ComEd team enhanced the look with a picket fence and red flags to draw attention to their "house".





Del Caribe Meat specializes in Dominican-styled salami, international chorizos, premium hams, smoked products, and smoked ribs. This family-owned business, located in New York City, was headed to the Dominican Taste Festival to share the flavor of their Super Vega Extra Premium Salami.

Naturally, their tent needed to have some Dominican flavor too! They wanted a pop-up tent with a thatched roof and teal walls in a classic beach bungalow design.

A 10x10 MONARCHGABLE was the perfect size and shape for their vision. The full print back walls gave them an opportunity to add a "window to the Caribbean" and wing banners let festival goers see what they were handing out well before they approached the tent. To facilitate interactions with festival attendees they added half walls and counters on three sides of the tent.

The tent was a hit, attracting crowds at the popular event! Watch Del Carib Meat's Instagram reel showcasing the event below as they, and their mascot, hand out salami and prizes to thrilled Festival attendees.



Mama Jugs Sweet Tea is a cult favorite at festivals and carnivals across the South.

This iconic brand knew it couldn't settle for a plain tent. They took inspiration from their logo and requested a tent to look like a well-loved country shack.

They chose a MONARCHREACH with the walls printed inside and out. But the customization didn't stop there.

The walls not only included printed personal details and Mama Jugs jugs but also 4 roll up windows and a zipper door that lines up with the printed door (we dare you to find it). The front wall pictured is actually two half walls, the bottom half wall has an attached counter and the top half attached with Velcro on all of the edges, which allows the Mama Jugs team to completely close up the tent when they are away.


Øl Tak Brewery


Øl Tak is a Danish phrase that means "A beer, please!" And when Øl Tak Brewery needed s stand-out tent they said, "Yes, please!" to a 10x10 MONARCHTENT in a timber Viking-style tent design.

They added a full back-wall and a half-wall with counter for easy service to at the front of the tent, and left the sides open.


Michigan Moon - Bug Squatch

Michigan Moon - Bug Squatch

Small business Michigan Moon LLC makes their own safe, fragrant natural bug repellant, Bug Squatch. They rely on in person events and fairs for most of their sales so a killer tent design was a MUST.

Michigan Moon honored its birthplace in the woods of Northern Michigan with a log cabin design and their Bug Squatch logo highlighted on the peak banner and full back-wall. As veterans of many in-person events they knew the value of the extra overhang that a MONARCHREACH adds to a 10x10 tent. They finished the log cabin design with three half-walls.

State Farm Bobblehead YOU! Custom MONARCHTENTS


State Farm's award-winning Bobblehead YOU! campaign leveraged heavy-duty custom MONARCHTENTs at events across the country.

Their custom house design was a combination of form and function. See more examples of this popular interactive experience and learn how we created a home for Bobblehead YOU! in our recent case study.

Smokey Bear Cigars & Cafe Little Log Cabin

Smokey Bear Cigars & Cafe Little Log Cabin

Smokey Bear Cigars & Cafe wanted a 10x10 pop-up tent whose design matched that of their stunning Blue Ridge, GA location, but with 100% more portability. They chose a mightyTENT with three double-sided custom printed walls featuring windows and all the trappings of home. Paired with a custom printed table cover, it was the perfect way to bring cigar sales on the road without losing their brand identity.

Sweet Spot Ice Cream Cafe

Sweet Spot Ice Cream Cafe

Sweet Spot Ice Cream Cafe is the perfect example of a house-style tent design that morphed into something new during the design process.

What started as a classic grey brick home design on a mightyTENT evolved into a hot pink brick house of treats with one full wall, three half walls, and a counter. The resulting bright design, complete with sprinkles, was quite literally, custom made for ice cream sales.



The House Of Blues House Tent at the Voodoo Music + Arts Festival was more than just a tent, it was a complete music experience with live music, a full-service bar, pub food, contests, a photo booth, and games.

Full service bar? That's were we came in, creating a 13x26 MONARCHTENT with a tin roof shack design to match their existing structure. We added natural wood counters and the House of Blues shack was ready to rock.


Garage For Harley-Davidson Of Indianapolis

Garage For Harley-Davidson Of Indianapolis

Okay it's not a house but everyone knows that having a garage improves your home's value, particularly when it's protecting your Harley-Davidson.

Harley-Davidson Of Indianapolis requested a 10x20 garage with three printed walls to protect and showcase their newest bikes. They elected to go with our medium duty mightyTENT and we think that as far as garage tents go, this one is the leader of the pack.

Comcast Living Room Media Wall With TV

Comcast Living Room Media Wall With TV

Comcast didn't need a whole tent to create the feeling of being in a house. They used a custom sized media wall to achieve the feeling of a living room, going so far as to add a TV mount hidden inside the wall.

The resulting structure created a fun mobile living room experience.

Artists Favorites

Sometimes our Art Team pours their heart into a tent design and for one reason or another it doesn't sell. We asked our artists which house-based tents designs they were sorry that we could never bring to life.

Confections 2 Die 4

Confections 2 Die 4

Confections 2 Die 4 is a Bermuda based cookie baker focused on Traditional Bermuda Sugar Cookies so it made perfect sense that their tent would be designed in the unique style of a Bermuda house.

Our artist designed this 10x10 mightyTENT with a stepped, limestone "Bermuda Roof", pastel pink walls that match the customers website and fit with classic Bermuda home designs, and then incorporated native plants and bougainvillea into the wall designs. Alas, we never got to see this tent design in real life but it still has a special place in our hearts.

Holiday Market Huts

Holiday Market Huts

This customer request was the stuff that tent makers dream of. The owners of a Holiday Market were interested in custom printed pop-up tents to replace their heavy wooden huts that took days to construct.

Our heavy-duty MONARCHTENT can be deployed in minutes and the custom printing really brought the holiday spirit to these huts design. Removable signage would have added a level of customization for vendors that didn't previously exist.

Maybe this year our holiday dream of making these festive pop-up market tents will come true!

Like What You See?

Ready for us to create a design for you that really rocks the house? Request a quote today and let us bring your next event activation to life.